A special Thank You to David Dunn and Trace Jines for providing Gibson County CEO a tour and the history of Shamrock Engineering, in Oakland City!
David is also a CEO mentor. We appreciate you and your support of Gibson County CEO!!
Other News From Around The Same Time
Gibson County CEO raised approximately $1800 for Summer Camp scholarships by participating in the Camp Carson Polar Plunge! Thank you to everyone who donated and to Camp Carson for a ...
Gibson County CEO Group 2 followed immediately after Group 1 in the Camp Carson Polar Plunge. Thank you to our very own Devin’s mother, Stacey, for taking the videos!!
What a special morning Gibson County CEO shared with Judy Schmitt! Judy is our very own Elizabeth’s, “Granny!” Judy shared how she went from being a young mother of three, working at ...
Gibson County CEO will be there, jumping in the lake to raise $ for camp scholarships. Please donate to support kids going to Summer Camp.