Hi! My name is Elizabeth Steckler. I am the ambassador for Dewig Meats, a local family-owned and ... Learn More

Elizabeth Steckler
About Me
Hi! My name is Elizabeth Steckler. I am the ambassador for Dewig Meats, a local family-owned and operated butcher shop. My mentor is Heather Pierce, who works at a children's outdoor camp. I've enjoyed working with her so far this year and am excited to continue collaborating with her on my personal business. I am a senior at Gibson Southern High School and live in Haubstadt, Indiana with my parents and five sisters. I run cross country and enjoy baking, sewing, and scrapbooking. I am still undecided about my college plans and the direction of my personal business. CEO has taught me a lot about my personality. I've realized that I am very task-oriented and always thinking about how to get the job done most effectively. My favorite thing about CEO so far is having something accomplished before I even get to school.

Elizabeth Steckler's DISC Profile
You are likely the one to initiate action before others.
You like a balance of working alone and working with a team.
You serve to stabilize others on a team who are perhaps too maverick.
You can be skeptical of brand new ideas or fads until they are sufficiently proven.