Hello everyone, my name is Mariska Lienemann! I am a junior at Gibson Southern High School in ... Learn More

Mariska Lienemann
About Me
Hello everyone, my name is Mariska Lienemann! I am a junior at Gibson Southern High School in Indiana. I am the ambassador for Fantastic Sam’s, they are our local cut and color. My mentor is Katie Ellis, with Old National Bank. She has been a great help to me and other kids in our class. CEO has created so many different opportunities for myself and others. It has shown me networking, marketing, and it also has improved my interaction with people. I recommend anyone to do CEO. I plan on going to college sometime after high school. I am still undecided on what I’m going to go for, but I want to stay close to my family. I think many of us bring multiple things to our class and we have created one big family. I work at Susan Bobe’s Pizza and I have worked there for about a year and a half. I love the atmosphere that we have created in many ways.

Mariska Lienemann's DISC Profile
You are open to deferring to others for decisions when they have voiced a stronger opinion.
You present yourself in a poised manner to both small or large groups of people.
You serve to stabilize others on a team who are perhaps too maverick.
You like to work in an environment that is very precise and more structured.